How to Protect the Server Room in Commercial Buildings from Fire

The server room is the heart of any establishment. Well, why not. It has machines that ensure the smooth and efficient running of an enterprise. So having a commercial fire extinguisher installed in the server room is imperative. These rooms are loaded with machines all around that are placed in a systematised manner for better control and effective check! Sometimes, due to overheating, a spark erupts out of a machine leading to a fire that spreads rapidly damaging other machines on its way.

Fire in server rooms cost a lot as the extensive damage they create is huge in financial terms. Research states that 6% of data failures in commercial establishments are fire-related which leads to giant loss of both money and data.

Get Your Server Room Insured!

Your server room must have a fire insurance policy that can shield and safeguard you against unprecedented fire breakouts. Sometimes insurance companies set their requirements and various terms under which they cover the loss. Failing to meet their terms results in zero coverage thereby leading to grave loss. Ensure to understand the extent of coverage your insurance provides with all Terms & Conditions.

Adhere to Fire Codes

The local fire protection authorities have laid down some codes against fire safety that your business must follow. Such standards deal with minimum fire protection that your establishment needs against fire breakout. Complying with the code as laid down by your technical committee ensures maximum protection against any contingencies.

Use a Clean Agent Suppression System

As opposed to fire sprinklers that activate after the fire spreads substantially and room temperature spikes up, a clean agent suppression system activates right at the incipient stage. Clean agent suppression systems are used as replacements to fire sprinklers that release gas or different gases together to curb the level of oxygen in the air that feeds the fire. It leaves no residue behind and is a cleaner and healthier way to combat fire flares.

With the advent of modern commercial fire extinguishers, people have been able to track and combat the fire eruption right before it turns into a blooming volcano! As compared to these conventional fire extinguishers that are tough to handle & use, FireRid Fire extinguishers are a must-have pocket-friendly extinguishers that are easy to use and cool down unwarned combustions. 

With zero hassle, FireRID Automatic Extinguishers release the liquid that controls the level of flame feeding oxygen. This makes them a safe option to tackle unwanted eruptions in the server rooms. To know more about our commercial fire extinguisher price, visit our product page or get in touch with us and we will be happy to assist you.

Automatic Activation

This top-of-the-range fire extinguisher has distinct features like automatic fire activation. This means that whether or not you are present in case of a fire breakout, FireRID detects a fire due to the temperature rise. It instantly bursts open dispersing the liquid and inhibits the fire.

10 Years Warranty

FireRID provides its customers with a 10-year warranty so they do not have to worry about investing their hard-earned money in a fire extinguisher without reaping any benefits.

No Maintenance

FireRID extinguisher does not require any kind of maintenance. The extinguisher retains its quality over the years, so customers can stay stress-free and install it without hassle. All these amazing benefits make FireRID a must-have fire extinguisher on your premises.